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Central Bank of India and Dena Bank jointly Organized Workshop in collaboration with National Commission for Women

A Workshop on Sexual Harassment at Workplace was organized jointly by Central Bank of India and Dena Bank at Sir Sorabji Pochkhanawala Bankers Training College (Sir SPBTC), Vile Parle, Mumbai on 23rd January, 2011 in collaboration with National Commission for Women (NCW) with technical assistance from Social Action Forum for Manav Adhikar (SAFMA). The Workshop brought about awareness amongst the women employees on their fundamental rights, as guaranteed in the Constitution of India, in achieving gender equality. The programme was attended by more than 100 women employees of both the Banks and the programme was chaired by Dr. Ms. Charu WaliKhanna, Member, National Commission for Women. The Member released a booklet with Guidelines on how to prevent Sexual Harassment at workplace and also a ‘Code of Conduct’ Poster promoting Zero Tolerance for Sexual harassment at the Workplace. 

Both, the booklet and the poster were released in the presence of Mr. R. Govind, Principal, Central Bank of India, Mr. J.R. Prasad, Vice-Principal, Dena Bank and Ms. Usha Menon, DGM (DIT), Ms. Usha Gupta, AGM (Rajbhasha), Ms. Namita Roy Sharma, AGM (MRO) of Central Bank of India.

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