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Success Stories of Complaints & Investigation Cell Financial Year 2009 – 2010

  1. Smt. X, a 66-year-old woman, approached NCW alleging that she had been subjected to physical & mental harassment by the Secretary, Jan Kalyan Trust, Anand Niketan Vridh Sevashram, Noida, and has been later thrown out from the Ashram. She submitted that she was denied food and was always compelled to vacate the old age home. She contended that she would only leave after she is refunded Rs. 1,00,000/-, which she had earlier deposited as donation to the Trust. However, the Trust people refused to refund her the said amount stating that it was donation and was non-refundable. The complainant being immensely perturbed and aggrieved filed her complaint before NCW for the refund of her money. The NCW took up the matter wherein the complainant & the Secretary, Jan Kalyan Trust, Anand Niketan Vridh Sevashram, Noida, were called to the Commission for a hearing. After a detailed hearing, the Trustees agreed to refund Rs. 60,000/- to the complainant, as they wanted to resolve the dispute amicably. Consequently, Smt. X was refunded Rs. 60,000/- vide cheque issued by the Trust where after she vacated the room after taking away all her belongings.

  2. The NCW received a complaint forwarded by the Hon'ble Chairperson, Meghalaya State Commission for Women, Shillong, regarding the alleged physical attacks on four women by BSF personnel. The matter was taken up by NCW and Action Taken Reports (ATRs) were sought from the Director General, Border Security Force, New Delhi, and Inspector General, Border Security Force, Shillong, requesting them for initiating appropriate action in the matter. Thereafter, the Commission is in receipt of ATR from the Director General, Border Security Force, New Delhi, wherein it has been informed that Court of Inquiry has been ordered by DIG, BSF, Shillong, to investigate into the matter. The ATR also revealed that the matter has been mutually compromised between the parties and a 'Deed of Compromise' has been presented in the Court where after the proceedings has been dropped since all the sections of the case registered at Pynursla Police Station were compoundable. That, this compromise was voluntarily reached at between the parties on their own free, without any force or compulsion whatsoever.

  3. The NCW received a complaint from Smt. S, a resident of District Gazipur, (Uttar Pradesh), stating that her husband Late Sh. X was working with Brook Bond Company, Kolkata. She alleged that she has not received pension / settlement dues of her deceased husband. As a last resort, she approached NCW for help. The matter was taken up by NCW and an Action Taken Report (ATR) was sought from her husband's employer i.e., Hindustan Unilever Limited. In this connection, the Commission is in receipt of a letter from Hindustan Unilever Limited. Mumbai, wherein it has been informed that the ex-gratia payments has been released in favour of the deceased's wife i.e., the complainant.

  4. The NCW received a complaint from Smt. X, a resident of East Delhi, regarding the alleged harassment / breach of trust / cruelty / cheating / bigamy, etc. meted out to her by her husband. She stated that her husband has deserted her & that she has no knowledge about his whereabouts. Being immensely aggrieved, she approached NCW for help & intervention. The matter was taken up by NCW and efforts were made to trace the whereabouts of the complainant's husband, where after the complainant's husband appeared before the Commission. Both the parties were counseled to save their matrimonial home. Consequently, they agreed to mutually resolve their differences in the interest of the only tee-aged daughter's future.

  5. The NCW received a complaint from Smt. Y, a resident of East District, Delhi, regarding the alleged harassment / torture / domestic violence meted out to her by her husband & in-laws. The NCW took up the matter and both the parties i.e., the complainant & her husband were called for a personal hearing at the Commission. Thereafter, both the parties appeared before the Commission and were counseled wherein the complainant's husband admitted his fault and assured the Commission in writing that in future he will take proper care of his wife.

  6. The NCW received a complaint from Sh. Z, a permanent resident of Orissa, alleging that his sister Smt. Y, has been brutally murdered by her husband & in-laws for want of more dowry. He stated that since the very inception of the marriage, his sister was subjected to dowry demand & harassment by the husband & in-law and when she failed to fulfill their aggravated demands for dowry, she was brutally murdered in District Anand of Gujarat. The complainant alleged that the police was not taking prompt action in the case and even the Investigation Officer of the case was about to drop Section 304 (B) of IPC i.e., 'Dowry Death'. The NCW took up the matter and Action Taken Reports were sought from the Director General of Police, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, District Magistrate & Collector, Anand and Superintendent of Police, Anand, wherein they were requested to initiate appropriate action. Thereafter, the Commission received an ATR from the Gujarat Police wherein it was informed that the issue was re-examined where after the charge-sheet has been presented in the concerned court and Section 304 (B) of IPC has not been dropped during the investigation.

  7. Smt. J, a resident of New Delhi, 18 approached NCW alleging that she has been subjected to 'Sexual Harassment / Harassment at Work Place' by the Chairman of the school where she was employed. She alleged that she was harassed & tortured by the said perpetrator on one or the other pretext. She further stated that her harassment has aggravated further after the alleged perpetrator came to know that she has filed a complaint against him before the NCW alleging 'SHWP'. She was even suspended / terminated on flimsy grounds. The Commission considered the matter and Action Taken Reports were sought from the Director, Dte. of Education, Govt. of NCT., Delhi and the President of the Management Committee of the School. Thereafter, the Commission received an ATR from the Dte. of Education, wherein it was informed that an Inquiry Committee was constituted to conduct an inquiry into the matter which has submitted its report to the Directorate along with its findings & recommendations thereof. Based on the Inquiry Report, the Directorate directed the management of the school to re-instate the complainant and also to initiate action against the alleged perpetrator who has been found guilty by the Committee. The Commission, later, was informed that the complainant has been re-instated and action has also been taken against the perpetrator.

  8. A women from Muzafarpur, Bihar approached the NCW alleging that she was being hareassed by her parents as she had married as per her own choice. Her parents were trying to implicate her husband and her in laws in a false case of kidnapping. She filed a complaint before NCW praying for saving her matrimonial life. The matter was taken up by the commission and a letter was sent to I.G.P.Muzafarpur Range, Bihar, along with the statement of the complainant , with a proof of her age. The Commission also spoke to the police, mentioning that the complainant was a major being above 18 years of age and she had personally appeared in the commission and gave statement about her marriage as well as provided proof of her age. Thereafter, the police did not register F.I.R. against the husband and her in laws. 

  9. A lady approached the National Commission for Women alleging that one Mr. 'Y' impersonated as an AIIMS doctor and provided wrong medication to her son; due to which, her son's kidneys failed. An FIR was registered against the fake doctor in Hari Nagar Police Station, West District, New Delhi, against which Mr. Y filed for anticipatory bail. The bail was, however, denied by the court but the police did not arrest him. The matter was taken up by the Commission and SHO of Hari Nagar Police Station was given a notice to appear before the Commission for a personal hearing alomg with the detailed ATR on the said complaint. The SHO DEPOSED BEFORE THE Commission and submitted an Action Taken Report wherein it said that the alleged accused had been arrested and presented before the court and the court had sent him to judicial custody for two days. Thereafter, at Commission's intervention, the accused medical representative was removed from service by his company.

  10. A women complainant had alleged that she was subjected to physical and mental torture by her in laws and her husband also was not interested in continuing the marital relationship. As a result, he did not take care of her. She appealed to the Commission to get her 'Stridhan' back. The Commission alled both the parties for a personal hearing . After 5-6 hearings in the Commission, both the parties reached an amicable settlement wherein the s couple agreed for a mutual divorce and the groom's side returned the 'Stridhan' to the complainant at the Commission.