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National Commission for Women organized a National Consultation on “Natal Family Violence against Females in India –Right to Bodily Integrity and Autonomy on 26th August 2012 at Tagore Auditorium, MD University, Rohtak

Speaking on the occasion Smt Mamta Sharma Hon’ble Chairperson National Commission for Women said all religions respected women and prohibited violence against women. She further said the Commission will be organizing sensitization programme for police personnels among others, an effort which has already been initiated in the form of “Mahila Adhikar Abhiyan” for reaching the grass root level. She said that the Commission has taken cognizance of recent incidents of violence against women in various parts of India; and said that female feticide is a blot on society. 

Dr. Charu WaliKhanna, Member National Commission for Women, deplored that despite the Constitution of India guaranteeing equal rights for all citizens, but at the ground level gender justice is still to be a reality. She also said as India enters the 21st century women are denied of their basic human rights i.e. the freedom to choose and often subjected to coercion, discrimination and violence by their natal family. 

Ms Hemlata Kheria, Member National Commission for Women, stressed on the need to change patriarchal attitudes comprising subordination of women. She said that it is most unfortunate that women are being subjected to atrocity and killed in the name of false honor. 

Introduction and objective of the program was given by Shri Manoj Duhan who stated that discrimination against women exists in each and every sphere of life, whether religion, social life or jobs. Giving an example he said there are no female engine drivers in India. 

Dr Anis Ahmed, Director SIMS Schools Kuwait, said that without women the world is colorless. 

Sh Haji Mohd. Yamin, social activist, highlighted the need to go to villages and sensitise both men and women in their vernacular language on gender issues. 

Sh Vijay Jolly, former MLA Delhi, emphasized that the male female ratio should increase to such an extent that there are 1000 women and 500 males. 

Sh Daulat Ram Chaudhary spoke against the system of Khap Panchayats calling them a feudal baggage of the past. He stressed on the need to balance between tradition and modernization. 

Ms. Suman Manjaree IPS officer spoke on the 3 S i.e. Space, Speech and Share in property. 

Vote of thanks was given by Dr P V Khatri. 

The inauguration session was followed by a technical session. Where discussed was whether a separate Bill is the solution to eradicating the problem or whether Special provisions/Chapter in Indian Penal Code for Violence against women to prevent such crimes; or whether a cultural revolution by way of social engineering is the need of the hour. Also discussed was the Bill proposed by NCW, the appropriateness of the title and provisions was discussed by intellectuals, academicians, lawyers, spiritual persons, activists among other stakeholders. The session chaired by with focus of the session was given by a victim

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