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Ms. Shamina Shafiq, Member, NCW attended National Consultation on Muslim Women in India held on 3rd April, 2013 organised by MARG Foundation at New Delhi

Ms. Shamina Shafiq, Member, NCW attended National Consultation on Muslim Women in India held on April, 3, 2013. This consultation was organised by MARG Foundation at Hotel Janpath, New Delhi. During her address Member said that NCW works for women as a whole and do not disaggregate their work in terms of Muslim women or any other group of women. Women’s problems are universal and are not peculiar to any geographical area or religious community. Since independence, Constitution guarantees women and men equal rights but inequality exists still. The need of the hour is to talk about solutions, not just the problems. Everyone should know about their rights and duties. It is important to focus on education, government schemes and rights. She expressed concern that Madrasa education is dominated by the male mindset. There is need for updating these institutions. She hoped that Muslim parents would not restrict their daughter’s education to only learning of Urdu. Member stressed on complete and adequate education, which is necessary for the overall development of women.

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