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Members NCW, Dr. Charu WaliKhanna & Ms. Shamina Shafiq Chief Guest at Seminar on “Raising Our Voices on Muslim Women’s Right and Equality before the Law” on 23rd September, 2012 at Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Bhartiya Muslim Mahila Aandolan (NGO that works for the rights of minority women) organized a Seminar on 23rd September, 2012 (Sunday) on “Raising Our Voices on Muslim Women’s Right and Equality before the Law” in collaboration with National Commission for Women.

Muslim women shared their experience at the conference ‘Daughters of Islam demanding justice’ which was held at Bhartendu Natya Academi, Lucknow, U.P. The inauguration was done in a unique manner by cutting the chains on the cut-out of a woman; symbolizing her unshackling and empowerment.

The Chief Guest was Dr. Charu WaliKhanna and the Guest of Honour was Ms.Shamina Shafiq, both Members of the National Commission for Women (NCW).

Dr. Charu WaliKhanna Member NCW said, “Rights of minority women is strong on the agenda of the Commission as they are the doubly deprived and sections of the society. The NCW strongly feels that codification of Muslim laws be made, triple Talaq be prohibited and marriage registration be made compulsory”. She also said that the NCW would welcome an ideal nikahnama to be taken forward.

Ms.Shamina Shafiq, Members was the Guest of Honor. She stressed on the importance of education.

“We strongly believe that while Quran has bestowed umpteen rights upon women, these rights do not get reflected in the law as practiced in the country” said Naish Hasan, President, BMMA.

The Eminent speakers included Arif Mohd. Khan, Former Union Minister, Justice Haider Abbas Raza (Retd. Judge), Zarina Ismani, Former Member, U.P. State Commission for Women, Shakeel Siddiqui, Writer, Activist, Sheeba Aslam Fehmi, Islamic Scholar, Noor Zaheer, Writer Activist, Dr. Anis Ansari, IAS(Retd.), V.C. UAF, University, Lucknow, Prof.Wasi Ahmed, Patna University, Ms.Asha Mishra, NFIW, Advocate Padma Kirti, President Family Court, Ms.Sona Khan, Advocate, Supreme Court, Mr.I.B. Singh, Advocate, High Court, Ms.Sehba Farooqi, Leader, AIDWA, Ms.Ranjana Gaur, Activist, Dr.Naseem Ansari Activist and Rehana Adeeb Activist etc.

The participants included women rights activits, lawyers, prominent members of the community and social activists who unanimously agreed that the root cause of problems faced by the women of the community is low literacy rate and lack of codified laws for the protection of their rights. As a result, Talaq (Divorce) continues to be a sword hanging over the head and women are made to suffer.

At the end of the Conference, the participants came out with resolution demanding steps to provide long-term legal relief to Muslim women.

Conclusion and vote of thanks by Nazma from PEHCHAN, Dehradun and programme was compered by Dr.Sabra Habib.

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