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Dr. Charu WaliKhanna, Member, NCW was Guest of Honour at ‘Rashtriya Pratinidhi Sammelan’ organized by Akhil Bhartiya Safai Mazdoor Sangh, New Delhi at Mavlankar Hall, New Delhi on 05.06.2013

Dr. Charu Walikhanna, Member, was Guest of Honour at ‘Rashtriya Pratinidhi Sammelan’ organized by Akhil Bhartiya Safai Mazdoor Sangh, New Delhi at Mavlankar Hall, New Delhi on 05.06.2013. 

The Chief Guest of the programme was Dr. Oskar Fernandez, General Secretary, All India Congress Committee and former Minister Labour and Employment who proudly stated that the most important religious ‘granth’ of India has been written by a Balmiki. He sympathesized with the problems of the Safai Karmacharis and assured them that he would take up their cause in order to help them get justice. He congratulated the organisors for mobilizing the community for their rights and dignity. 

Dr. Charu WaliKhanna, Member said that most of the safai karmacharis are women workers, who are totally unaware of their rights. Despite official notification banning of manual scavenging they are still coming in contact with human excreta; in addition to being exposed to occupational hazards of cleaning due to which they are at risk to a number of diseases, respiratory problems, gastrointestinal disorders, tuberculosis, skin rashes, anaemia, typhoid etc. Their living conditions are very pathetic, lacking facility of water, electricity, and toilets. Outsourcing has proved heavy on them since often the contactor does not give them minimum wages nor maternity benefits or other benefits in accordance with the law. In addition to which they are also vulnerable to sexual exploitation by the contractor. She stressed on the need for strategic advocacy and legal interventions. She also said that despite being there so many trade specific laws such as Beedi & Cigar Workers (Conditions of Employment) Act, 1966, Plantation Labour Act, Factories Act 1948, Mines Act, 1952, Contract labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 etc., till date despite such a large workforce involved in this activity there is no legislation to protect their rights and regularize their employment. 

Other dignitaries included Dr. Rajkumar Verka, Vice Chairperson, National Commission for Scheduled Castes, Shri Hari Ram Sood, Member, National Commission for Safai Karmacharis, Sh. Harnam Singh, President, State Commission for Safai Karmacharis, Delhi, Shri Rockson, Film Director & former member Film Certification Board, and Sh. Prem Kumar Dagar, National President, Bhartiya Safai Mazdoor Sangh.

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